
We love dropping in to random churches in Europe.  Being Americans, it's fascinating to see these structures, many of which were built hundreds of years before the birth of the United States.  The art and architecture are always different and often surprising. Of course the standards like the Duomo in Florence, or St. Peter's in Rome are great, but there are many churches in every city and town in Spain and Italy.  Here we begin to show some of these in the hope that if you visit one of these cities, you too will plan to drop in...

Church of Santa Croce in Parma, Italy
Church of Santa Maria Quartiere - Parma, Italy
Church of the Annunciation - Parma, Italy
Church of St. John the Evangalist - Parma, Italy
The Baptistry - Parma, Italy
The Church of San Vitale - Parma, Italy
The Church of Santa Maria Steccata - Parma, Italy
The Duomo - Parma, Italy
The Baptistry - Pietrasanta, Italy
The Duomo di San Martino - Pietrasanta, Italy
Church of the Holy Trinity - Lucca, Italy
Church of San Pietro Somaldi - Lucca, Italy
Basilica of San Frediano - Lucca, Italy
Church of San Michele in Foro - Lucca, Italy
Church of Ognissanti - Florence, Italy
Church of San Michele - Florence, Italy
The Duomo - Florence, Italy
The Abbey of San Miniato al Monte - Florence, Italy
The Metropolitan Cathedral of Bologna - Bologna, Italy
Basilica of San Petronio - Bologna, Italy
Church of Santa Maria Delle Vita - Bologna, Italy
Cathedral of Ferrara - Ferrara, Italy
Basillica of Santa Maria Delle Salute - Venice
Church of Santa Maria de Miracoli - Venice
Church of Santa Maria Del Rosario - Venice
Church of San Salvador - Venice
Church of San Felice - Venice
Cathedral of Padua
Abbey of Santa Giustina - Padua, Italy
Basilica of Saint Anthony - Padua, Italy
The Duomo - Mantova, Italy
Basilica of San Andrea - Mantova, Italy
Cloister of Church of San Bernardino - Verona, Italy
Basilica of Saint Zeno - Verona, Italy
Basilica of Saint Anastasia - Verona, Italy
Duomo of Verona

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