Sunday, October 28, 2018

Basilica of St. Anthony - Padua

This one was surprising in the numbers of locals attending Mass. We've been in many churches in Italy and Spain, over multiple trips and you are lucky if there are more than 6 elderly women at a Mass.

There were 3 masses back to back while we were in the area and all were standing room only.

Various relics of saint Anthony's body and other saints are on display in another chamber but I was on my best behavior and didn't try to snap any photos in there. I took a picture of the brochure to show you what it looks like. It's the last photo in this post.

This is the tomb of saint Anthony. I wasn't supposed to take any photos here. After snapping this shot, I was scolded by a monk. The Supreme Being has been scolding me for years so I am conditioned to automatically display the proper amount of contrition..😔

People file past and behind the tomb to place photos of and messages to departed loved ones and touch the back of the tomb while saying a silent prayer.

This is the view of the front of Saint Anthony's tomb taken from the opposite side of the church.

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