When we here at Hereweeeego finally reached a point in our lives where we could travel, we decided to document our adventures using a Blogspot account. We aren't tech gurus and we like that we only have to use one service to accomplish all of our (admittedly limited) blogging needs. The whole business about establishing a domain, integrating WordPress, and dealing with a hosting company was more than we wanted to spend time on while traveling.
So, it would follow that the logical choice for an android app to update our blog on-the-go would be Google's own Blogger app. Boy, were we in for a surprise. The Blogger Android app turned out to be a startlingly terrible. Here are 4 reasons why:
1. The app hasn't been updated since February of 2016.
This fact tells you a great deal about Google's commitment to continuous improvement for their app - there IS NO commitment. Did they just abandon all engineering support for this product? It's not like they aren't getting any negative customer feedback. Although Google is giving itself a 4 star rating for their app, if you look through recent reviews in the Play store, there are loads of 1 star reviews with comments like, "Appears to be abandonware. No updates in years. All attempts to publish posts fail.", or "uploading photos give this app a seizure or something because it just crashes". It is befuddling that the app even exists on the Play store any longer, given Google's propensity for killing off it's products.2. No ability to import photos.
Try and grab photos from your phone's gallery, or even from your Google Photos archive to insert into a blogspot post and the app will literally puke all over itself. It just can't be done. The only way to have photos in your article is to snap them as you are writing the post. What could the "do no harm" crowd at Google have possibly been thinking when they coded their app this way. A true WTF moment the first time you realize this situation.3. Loses all photos in a post if trying to save while out of LTE or WiFi range
Here is the one fault with the Blogger app we found most annoying - tragically so. If you happen to lose internet connectivity while saving a post, ALL OF YOUR PICTURES WILL BE LOST! Gone. Vanished. Never to be seen again. Imagine our surprise the first time this happened to us when we had just finished snapping tons of photos of all the great art and sculpture in the Academia museum in Florence. We didn't have WiFi access while in the museum and instead of just saving the whole post and it's contents locally on the phone, or giving us a warning that it couldn't save until we had established connectivity again, it just screwed us. We didn't realize it had done that until it was too late to go back. Not only did we lose all of the photos, but it corrupted the post and we couldn't even edit the text in it later. Of course, if Google had given us the ability to just shoot photos with our phone or even a camera and import them into the post later (see number 2 above) this never would have been an issue.4. Adding text above a photo is a nightmare
Because you have to take photos while in the app (and of course you want photos in a travel blog), if you want to insert text at the beginning of a post or in-between photos, the process is infuriating and more often than not, impossible. Trying to place the cursor with your finger between photos rarely works. You are just stuck having to go back and edit the post once you have access to the web portal again.What's the alternative?
There are alternative apps other than Googles own Blogger product that you can use to create and edit posts for Blogspot - approximately 15 the last time we checked. Since we discovered how worthless Google's app is we have tried BlogIt! by João Correia. It works much better and has all the basic functionality you need to get the job of creating and posting blog posts done but without the infuriation factor of Blogger. It's free and includes ads but they are unintrusive. And unlike Google, the developer actually responds to issues people might have with his app.The other alternative, and the one we are starting to use more often, is to simply create our posts during travel down time by using the web portal on either a tablet or Chromebook. No more having to snap all of your photos with the horrible blogger app and risk losing them.