Thursday, October 18, 2018

Duomo of Milan

Begun 376, finished 1954. 108 meters high.  Third largest basilica in Europe. We walked up the stairs to the roof.  You can see video of our trek up to the roof here: Roof of Duomo of Milan

The statue in the ninth picture is of a martyred saint who was skinned alive.  The bright light in the last interior photo is a laser pointing to where they store one of the three nails Christ was crucified with.

Outside, Carol is rubbing the leg of a dude that is supposed to bring good luck.
The last picture is a statue that served as the model for the Statue of Liberty..

Amazing detail on this statue of

Bartholomew the Apostle

He was flayed alive—the skin of his body cut into strips, then pulled off, leaving his body open and bleeding for a long time, then beheaded. 
Come on lottery!  Daddy needs a Ferrari....!
This was the inspiration for the design of the statue of liberty

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