Sunday, September 22, 2019

Virgin Atlantic Lounge - LAX Terminal 2

This lounge is located on the second level of Terminal 2 after security.

It's directly across from the Delta Sky Club and is one of only 2 lounges in this terminal.  This lounge only allows Priority Pass members access from 5:30 to 11:30 am.  Its limited access is another example of the continuing devaluation of the Priority Pass membership.

First impressions when entering are the large windows with plentiful natural light.

There is seating for perhaps 100 passengers and power outlets at maybe 70% of them.

The food is surprisingly minimalist and lack-luster given this a Virgin Atlantic facility.  Those who also have access to the Delta Sky Club a few feet away will find a far superior selection.
That's it?

I suppose we are spoiled by the Delta club which has coffee machines that make Latte, Cappuccino, Mocha, etc.  Here you get cafeteria coffee.  Is this because the Brits prefer tea?  Who knows, but coffee dependent Americans will be jonzing for better.

The men's restroom is a single stall and not particularly clean at that.

On the bright side, the lounge is relatively quiet, clean and sufficiently staffed.  The welcome desk staff was friendly as well.

Here's the score for another lack-luster offering from Priority Pass:

Friendly reception -  9
Plentiful and comfortable seating - 8
General cleanliness in the seating area - 10
Cleanliness in the restroom - 5  
Availability of showers - 0
Food and snacks -  4
Beverages -  4
Power outlets - 7
Quiet environment - 7
Are we anxious to return? - 2

Overall Rating 56 out of 100