Monday, August 26, 2019

Mortgage Solutions Financial Premier Lounge - Colorado Springs (COS)

This a Priority Pass accessible lounge in the Colorado Springs Airport.  In fact, it's the only lounge of any kind in this airport.

It's possibly the smallest lounge we've visited and has an extremely limited set of amenities.  At most, it has seating for 20 people. There is a separate conference room with room for an additional 7.

Limited Seating

Small Conference Room
The seating is all straight-backed and not exactly comfortable. There aren't power outlets available at all of the seating either.  There was a wall-mounted television with the sound on in the tiny seating area so EVERYONE gets to listen to the TV, like it or not.

The food was very disappointing considering what it costs to be a Priority Pass member.
That's it for food!

Oh, how we missed the coffee machines available in other lounges.  You won't be making a cappuccino here....   Also, no alcohol of any kind so forget about sipping on a nice bloody mary prior to getting on your morning flight.


We entered this club on a weekday morning around 7:30.  Unfortunately, the sole staff member must have had a bad night because she seemed genuinely put-out over having to admit us to the lounge.  She was intently focused on stacking sugar packets on end in a little basket and apparently, our presence diverted her attention from this vital task.

Here's the score for this lack-luster offering from Priority Pass:

Friendly reception -  0
Plentiful and comfortable seating - 5
General cleanliness in the seating area - 10
Cleanliness in the restroom - 0  (there isn't one)
Availability of showers - 0
Food and snacks -  4
Beverages -  4
Power outlets - 5
Quiet environment - 4
Are we anxious to return? - 2

Overall Rating 34 out of 100